Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is a Pescetarian?

            A Pescetarian is one who abstains from eating meat and animal flesh (land animals and birds), with the exception of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. It is also a type of diet that is a diet that refrains from eating meat, (with the same exception of fish/seafood) The word Pescetarian originated from the Italian word, "pesce" which means fish, and the English word "vegetarian", which is another type of person/diet that refrains from eating any type of animal meat. (Including seafood) The word Pescetarian is not often used, but many people are becoming Pescetarians because this diet has many health benefits. One benefit is that health risks related to fish are minimal, while red meats contribute to many serious diseases and conditions. For example, studies have strongly linked the consumption of red meat to colon cancer and heart disease. Fish do not contribute to these diseases, and they may actually prevent them. Seafood is also a good source of iron to those who don't consume red meat, iron containing cereal, or iron containing vegetables. Also, Pescetarianism is an easier choice than Vegetarianism for those who do not completely want to give up meat. 

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